Sunday 20 March 2011

Are TV Dinners Bad For You?

Nutrition labels are key to helping you select foods that are healthy for you and your family. The labels on frozen entrees may give you something of a surprise. I know they did me.

Frozen entrees can be divided into three categories. The really bad, the semi bad and acceptable. All of them have far more sodium than is strictly healthy, which is why I haven't found an edible one that falls into the excellent category. I understand why it's there...sodium is a preservative. We just consume too much of it.

The Really Bad: Individual entrees containing 700 to 1500 calories in one meal are immediately off my list of wise dining. This is even more true when the calories from fat are 22 percent of your daily quota...or more. The real kicker for me, however, is the sodium content. 1300mgs is far too much for one meal. If you have heart problems or blood pressure issues, it's over your daily limit. The same goes for the fat and cholesterol content.

The Semi Bad: Many manufacturers are cutting back on the fat and sodium in their regular entrees. The numbers are still high, but if you're otherwise healthy having one occasionally isn't such a bad thing. With an average calorie count of about 450, the biggest problems these entrees pose is with fat, cholesterol and sodium. For a healthy adult, once in a while, they're ok.

The Acceptable: Thankfully, food manufacturers are noticing that we are gravitating towards a more heart healthy diet, and several have come out with lines of entrees. Calories are mitigated, fat substituted and the biggest drawback they pose tends to be sodium. I will have to admit that some of the recipes could use a little work, but they taste decent, they're affordable and they're a great improvement over the lunch truck.

There is an alternative to the storebought TV dinner. We can actually make our own, something I've been doing for years. On the days I have time and feel like cooking, I'll make either a really big batch of dinner or several smaller entrees. I label them, complete with dates and stick them in the refrigerator. Some of them are done in individual portions and some are family sized.

Doing that has several advantages. You know what you like, so finding a weird taste is unlikely. You know what you put in it, so you know it's healthy. On top of that, it's a lot cheaper.

The answer to the question about frozen TV dinners is complex, but hopefully this information will help you make an informed decision on the frozen food aisle.

Eight Kinds of Food Make Your Teeth White

Introduction: Nowadays, more and more people begin to pay great attention to the health of their teeth. However, a lot of people are troubled by yellowish teeth, black gums, the accumulation of tartar, and other teeth problems. In fact, as long as you pay attention to daily diet and eat foods correctly, you can also make the teeth white and beautiful. As a result, in the following section, we will introduce you eight kinds of food which have the effect of whitening the teeth.

1. Water
Drinking water appropriately can keep the gums moist and stimulate the secretion of saliva. If you drink some water after eating food, it can help take away the food residue remained in the mouth, so that the bacteria can not get enough nutrients and will be unable to cause damage on your teeth.

2. Mint
Mint leaves contain some vinyl compounds, which not only can whiten the teeth, but also can reach the lungs through the blood circulation, so as to give you a fresh breath.

3. Sugar-free chewing gum
Sugar-free chewing gum can increase the amount of saliva secretion, and neutralize the acidity inside the mouth, so as to further prevent tooth decay.

4. Cheese
Cheese contains calcium and phosphate, which can balance the PH in the mouth, so as to avoid the mouth staying in an acidic environment, because the acidic environment is favorable for the activities of bacteria, which will further result in tooth decay. What's more, often eating cheese can also increase the calcium on the surface of teeth, and help strengthen and rebuild tooth enamel, so as to make the teeth much stronger.

5. Green tea
Green tea contains a large number of fluorides. After the fluoride is combined with the apatite in the teeth, it has an anti-acid effect and can prevent tooth decay. In addition, the catechin contained in green tea can reduce the number of Streptococcus that may cause tooth decay. At the same time, it can also eliminate the bad breath.

6. Onion
The sulfur compound contained in onion is a kind of powerful antibacterial ingredient, which can kill various kinds of bacteria in human body, including the Streptococcus which may cause tooth decay.

7. Mushroom
Mushroom contains some polysaccharides, which can inhibit the activity of the bacteria in the mouth, so as to prevent the formation of dental plaque.

8. Mustard
Mustard contains isothiocyanates, which can inhibit the growth and reproduction of Streptococcus, thus preventing tooth decay.

Lv Hongyu is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.

Unhealthy Food You Ought to Avoid - Helpful Things You May Not Be Aware Of

Agricultural technology can be a bane sometimes. Production of food has become way too advanced that instead of eating natural foods, we are ingesting pesticide-laden, highly-processed fare that contributes to the development many diseases, not the least of which is cancer and heart ailments. In order to get nutrition that is truly beneficial for our health, we must not only eat healthy natural food, we have to learn to practice spotting unhealthy foods to avoid and keep them out of our pantries and refrigerators completely.

By avoiding these completely, you are working towards reducing your risk of allergies, the development of obesity and decreasing your chances of acquiring heart disease. While the general guideline of avoiding anything processed is a good one to follow, it's a bit too broad of a classification. Here is a more specific listing of unhealthy foods to avoid to guide you on your next trip to the grocery store:

1. Save whole milk for the kids. The next time you shop and are tempted to get whole milk, full fat cheese and ice cream, resist the urge. The saturated fat, cholesterol and caloric content of whole milk only serve to increase your blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It also contributes to fatter midsections. These increase your chances of having a heart attack. If you must buy whole milk, buy it for your kids but choose skim or non fat varieties for yourself.

2. Soda is a beverage to avoid because of its exceedingly high caloric content that is only full of empty sugars. But aside from soda, you must also ditch processed fruit juices and sports drinks, among others. These are way too high in sugar content that only gives you cavities and increases your triglyceride levels that makes you more prone to stroke.

3. Skip processed meats. These include hot dogs, bacon and sausages among others. They mask saturated fat, cholesterol and preservatives with their delicious tastes. The list of diseases that you can get if you consume these meats on a daily basis involve are only all too-familiar--heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity are just some to name a fee.

4. Pastries, baked goods and sweets have trans fats which should be avoided because they raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol levels. Some kinds of vegetable shortening such as some margarines and other foods also have high trans fat content. Be sure to avoid partially hydrogenated vegetable oils if you don't want to die early.

5. Go easy on the ice cream. One cup has about 300 calories. Factor in the increase in calories if you add toppings like whipped cream and cookie crumbs. If the temptation becomes too difficult to resist, opt for low fat varieties or choose non fat yogurt instead.

6. Cheeseburgers and other fast food burger fare are unhealthy foods to avoid. With mayonnaise and cheese, they can easily add more than 500 calories to your frame and a give you more than 900 grams of sodium! When you eat out, you usually add French fries and soda to your order, so add that all up and you'll get an easy thousand calories just in one meal! And you haven't even started supersizing yet.

Healthy Vegetarian Cooking and the Food Pyramid

As with all other food options, healthy vegetarian cooking is dependent on the right types of food. In other words having solely vegetarian food and not have the right nutrition is like consuming copious quantities of animal foodstuffs devoid of the necessary vegetables.

As with the meat eater, vegetarians call for the diversity and the correct combinations of foods to be healthy. The best place to begin is the food pyramid.

The foundation of the pyramid is what you should eat most of. In the instance of vegetarian cooking this foundation is made up of grains, foods made from cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Grain foods feature wheat, rice, barley, corn, oats, rye, millet and buckwheat. These foods from grain can be pasta, bread and whole grains.

The next tier of the pyramid for vegetarians are foods which should be eaten in moderation. These are dairy food, legumes, nuts and eggs.

Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are absolutely right in moderation. Pulses are peas, beans of any sort and lentils.

The highest tier of the pyramid is the element of the food family to have the least often and this is pretty accepted for all, no matter if you're vegetarian cooking or you consume meat. Sugar, butter, cream, margarine, oils, alcohol, tea and coffee. Not any of these in fact have to have any comment!

If you practice a food pyramid template, arranging food will be much easier. The lowest tier of the heap is what should be eaten abundantly daily. Starting at breakfast try fruit, cereal and toast. Lunch could be salad or cooked vegetables with bread and fruit. Afterward at dinner time pasta or rice base for the major course, salad or vegetables, then a fruit dessert.

The central area which is the consuming moderately piece can include such things as dairy food (unless you're vegan). For instance, yogurt for breakfast or lunch and some cheese with lunch or dinner. Dinner may also have a delicious portion of beans or lentils. Also from this collection nuts can create a pleasant snack or can be added to any of your vegetarian cooking.

Now we reach the eat the slightest which is at the uppermost of the pyramid. These are the foods that a lot of people find it difficult to stop from their diet. So it's not point of wholehearted prohibition, but merely a little integration. A tad amount of butter or margarine on bread is acceptable. A small amount of olive oil on salad or some rice bran oil for sautéing onions at dinner is absolutely suitable. Spasmodic glass of wine with dinner and a sugared treat sometimes does no mischief whatever. Tea and coffee are also acceptable providing they are in moderation.

If, by chance, you have a fat full brunch, or you know that you will have an indulgent dinner, subsequently make up for it with the various meals of the day by concentrating on having refreshing fruits, vegetables and some fiber foods.

Healthy vegetarian cooking is leaning how to blend the nutritional quality of foodstuffs through the day and it really is uncomplicated to reach if the food pyramid guidelines are followed.

Buying Organic on a Budget

As a mom on a budget, I routinely experience feelings of guilt and uncertainty at the grocery store, trying to decide whether or not to buy organic. In a perfect world, one where I have an unlimited source of money to spend on groceries, I would always buy organic. Unfortunately, like most of us, I don't live in that perfect world. I only have a set amount each week to spend on feeding my family and since organic food is more expensive, buying exclusively organic is not a possibility. I have to pick and choose what to buy based on what I can afford and how important it is to buy that particular item organic. What many people don't know is that not all organic foods are created equally. Meaning that buying certain foods "organic" is more important then other foods.

Why Buy Organic At All?

You may be wondering, what the big deal is about buying organic food anyway? Why should I spend so much more to essentially get the same thing? Nutritionally there isn't any difference between an organic vegetable and a non-organic one. They both contain the same amount of vitamins and minerals. The key difference is what isn't in the organic version. Organic vegetables are free of synthetic pesticides and organic meat is raised without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones. Organic does not mean that the food is free of pesticides. Organic farmers are permitted to use some pesticides, just not the synthetic ones. Organic foods also have less of an impact on the environment as synthetic pesticides used in traditional farming can wreak havoc on the soil and water sources nearby, effecting fish and other wildlife.

When Buying Organic Is Important and When It Isn't:

There are some foods that you will definitely want to buy organic if possible. These are foods that have thin edible skins that are not easily scrubbed. Berries are at the top of this list. Lettuce, celery, carrots, potatoes and fruits like apples, peaches and pears should also be purchased organic when feasible as they are typically sprayed heavily with pesticides and have soft, thin skins that either make it impossible to scrub or completely eliminate the toxins. If you have to buy these items non-organic at the very least make sure they were produced in the United States. The US has much stricter regulations than many other countries. Fruits and vegetables with thick inedible skins are not as important to buy organic. Oranges, bananas, avocados, onions, peas and eggplant fall into this category. Just be sure to wash them before you cut into them to make sure you aren't transferring any of the pesticides from the skin to the inside. There are also vegetables that pests don't find all that attractive like broccoli, asparagus and cabbage that you also don't need to worry about as much.

Meat is another food where buying organic makes a big difference, but the difference in price can be staggering. The best answer for those on a budget is to eat less of it or eliminate it from your diet all together. Personally I'm trying to eat less, that way I can use the extra savings to buy meat that is organic or at least not fed growth hormones.

Other Things To Consider...

* Growing vegetables in your own garden is the cheapest and I would argue best way to obtain organic produce!
* Buying locally can often be even better than buying organic. Many of these farms are not certified "Organic", but this doesn't mean that their produce is full of pesticides or that the meat they raise is full of antibiotics and growth hormones. The best thing about buying local is the fact that you can talk to the person who raised or grew the food and find out exactly what process they use. Most farmers are more than happy to talk to you about it. Obviously there is a bit of driving around and planning involved with buying food locally, but what I love about it is the personal interaction. It's a much more human experience than that of the grocery store and I feel good keeping more of my money in my area.
* If you can't afford to buy organic or organic food is not available where you live, don't avoid fresh fruits and vegetables. Pesticides or not they are still the best most nutritious food you can eat. Just make sure to wash the produce thoroughly using a scrub brush that you use exclusively for washing fruits and vegetables.

Milly Welsh is the author of Frugal Flora, a blog that explores how to go green on a budget. Whether you are an environmentally conscious person, unemployed or just someone who likes to keep more of your money, you should find the articles, tips and advice on Frugal Flora helpful. In her spare time Milly likes to garden, make pottery and play with her 2 daughters.

Aluminum Lacks Government Regulations

Most consumers in this country are aware of the contaminants in tap water and their options for water treatment systems to assist in ridding their drinking water of any unwanted minerals or toxins. There are numerous contaminants, that when consumed in large amounts or over long periods of time, can be unhealthy for our health. What gives most people some peace of mind, however, is knowing that there are federal, state, and even some city regulations to limit the amount of contaminants in our drinking water.

Congress authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to write rules and regulations that explain the critical details necessary to implement environmental laws, including those regarding water quality and safety. "The Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW), together with states, tribes, and its many partners, protects public health by ensuring safe drinking water and protecting ground water. OGWDW, along with EPA's ten regional drinking water programs, oversees implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is the national law safeguarding tap water in America", states the EPA's website.

Common known tap water and drinking water contaminants include, but are certainly not limited to, arsenic, barium, fluoride, magnesium, mercury, nitrates, radium, selenium, uranium, zinc, and aluminum. These contaminants are regulated by the federal government by means of scientific studies which show the safest levels when consumed. However, some contaminants, like aluminum, only have recommended limitations by the government. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to determine if aluminum requires a national drinking water regulation and has placed it on the contaminant candidates list (CCL). "There is no EPA water quality standard for aluminum, only a recommended secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) of 0.05 to 0.2 mg/L. Secondary standards are non-enforceable guidelines that cover cosmetic and aesthetic effects in drinking water," according to the EPA.

Aluminum is a soft, lightweight, durable, silvery-whitish metal found in the boron chemical group. It is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust, and the third most abundant element. It is a highly reactive metal known for its low density and ability to resist corrosion. Because of this, it is a vital structural material used in the aerospace industry, yet it has been known to cause deposits in cooling systems and boiler units.

But beyond just the household effects aluminum has in drinking water, it also causes some pretty serious health problems, according to the EPA and other medical research sources. It tends to present some toxic effects when consumed for long periods of time in elevated concentrations, which can be traced to deposition in bone and the central nervous system. In very high doses, aluminum can cause neurotoxicity and is associated with the changing functions of the blood-brain barrier. Furthermore, some studies show that aluminum may play a role in Alzheimer's disease, where victims of Alzheimer's had four times the normal concentration of aluminum in their brain cells. Whether this is a causal or consequential part of the disease, still needs to be studied. It has become one of the most controversial and publicized theories in the medical field at this time. There have been fears that aluminum in the diet or absorbed in other ways could be a factor in Alzheimer's. According to WebMD, one study found that people who used antiperspirants and antacids containing aluminum had a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's. Others have also reported an association between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's disease. It is yet to be certain one way or another, but the chance of this being the case certainly is one reason to look into a water treatment system that would efficiently remove this and other harmful substances from drinking water.

The Alzheimer's Society explains that the hypothesis that there is a connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease was first put forward in the 1960s (Terry and Pena 1965, Klatzo et al 1965). Since then, researchers have claimed a number of other circumstantial links between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Some of them are:

1. Aluminum has been shown to be associated both with plaques and with tangles in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease (Crapper et al 1976). However, the presence of aluminum does not mean that the aluminum was the causal factor.
2. People with kidney failure are unable to excrete aluminum, and yet they frequently have to be treated with compounds that contain aluminum. Aluminium accumulates in nerve cells that are particularly vulnerable in Alzheimer's disease.
3. In 2006, scientists at Keele University in Staffordshire found that drinking mineral water regularly may reduce levels of aluminum in people with Alzheimer's disease.
4. A 2008 study by French researchers found that a high concentration of aluminum in drinking water increases the risk of developing dementia in elderly subjects.

After a water test shows evidence of higher amounts of aluminum in drinking water, there are different treatment options, especially point-of-use methods such as reverse osmosis and distillation. Although aluminum can be readily removed from water by cation exchange resins like those used in water softeners, it may not be with normal salt regenerations. Reverse osmosis, or hyper filtration, is the most common water treatment technology. It is effective in eliminating or highly reducing various contaminants, one being aluminum. Reverse osmosis uses a membrane that is semi-permeable, allowing pure water to pass through it, while rejecting the contaminants that are too large to pass through the tiny pores in the membrane. When looking for an efficient reverse osmosis system, the key factors become environmental-friendliness and effectiveness, all while being affordable. High-flow systems with little waste water are available, and will leave you with continuous supplies of safe, clean drinking water, as well as the peace of mind you once had.

Pinoy Food At Its Best

The Philippines is a country that's known not only for the tourist spots and attractions but also for the innumerable delicacies you'll get to taste once you get off the plane. In almost every part of town, you will find yourself trying things you never thought possible. While most of the commonly known dishes such as tinolang manok and nilagang baka (beef stew) headline the viand menu, there are others who would settle for old-time carinderia favorites such as fried fish, chop suey, pochero and a yard full of other viands that go well with a piping hot serving of white rice.

Many of the tourists that come and go really can't get enough of the food that the Philippines consider. Most of the ex-pats that I've seen strolling the streets of Makati Avenue can't get enough of the Pampanga-made sisig that becomes a common bar and pub favorite once the drinks start pouring in. In fact, sisig had become a common Pinoy favorite that most students and employees claim it to better with rice as well. Then, there's the balut, a duck (or chicken) egg that's a few days old that is cooked in a broiler and served hot. This is common at night, especially when you hear the vendor call it out in a sometimes distinct tone. It's eaten as is and most would say that it 'strengthens the joints'; you can guess for yourselves what they meant about that. You can also go for the chicharon, dried pork skin deep fried to a crisp. This is mostly fancied with a liter of beer or if the kids are around, a liter and a half of Coke.

You have the sinugba, which is another delicacy from Pampanga. It's steamed milkfish, or bangus as it is popularly called, and stuffed with relishes. It comes with a sauce that's also used for siomai and pancit canton. Speaking of pancit, these are also merienda (snack) favorites that won't fade out of the Filipino menu. Pancit is a dish that's got noodles in it and is mixed with a ton of toppings you could sink your teeth in. There's liver, fish balls, cabbage, carrots, chicken strips, pork fat, you name it.

On a Sunday, if you feel like going for something pungent rather than something oily like nilagang baka, the sinigang is something you'd probably be looking for. The sinigang is made from the extract of the sampaloc (tamarind), which grows from the tree of the same name, broiled with water and has pork and veggies to go with it. There are actually a few variations of the sinigang. You have the original sinigang-sa-sampaloc, the sinigang-sa-miso, sinigang-sa-calamansi which I found a wee bit weird and the sinigang-sa-bayabas, which I didn't expect to taste real good while sinigang na strawberry is very famous in Baguio considering strawberries are the main products they produce.

Finally, when you've had your fill of the feast, you can go for desserts. There is leche flan, macapuno, sapin-sapin, puto (rice cake), espasol and the ever so sweet peanut brittle or panocha. Desserts in the Philippines are sometimes found to be too sweet but hey, who ever made dessert with salt? It's something that we can be proud of and even the customers will agree most of the time. Clearly, Filipino food had gone a long way since its conception. Depending on who cooks or how it's cooked, it'll always taste gratifying. And if it tastes superb, just remember where it came from because if the food satisfied you and filled you up, then it's a sure bet it came from the Philippines.

Do It Yourself - 4 Steps to Copycat Restaurant Recipes

I have a friend that plays guitar. He can hear a song and figure out how to play it. This has always impressed me. I watch him intently listening to the song, nodding his head, humming a bit, and then his fingers go to work. The left hand forms chords, the right strums or picks at the strings. "Oh, it's A, then C, then D," he mumbles.

Because my friend knows HOW to play guitar, because he knows the basic chords he can recreate any song he hears. Why doesn't he just buy the sheet music.

Have you ever gone to a restaurant, had a fantastic new dish, and wanted to re-create it at home? It's so good, you think you could eat it every night, but just being able to have it again without making reservations and paying the bill would be enough.

I do this all the time. I get most of my best dinner ideas from restaurant menus. I can save myself a long waiting time for a table, and a lot of money by cooking the same thing at home. I just need some basic cooking methods and a keen eye.

Here's how I go about recreating restaurant meals in my home:

First, read the menu description. It will tell you the major ingredients. "Chicken and shallots in a white wine sauce" gives you three good clues as to what is in the dish. I'd start with chicken, shallots and some white wine. Often, there are culinary terms used like "en croute", or "provencale" that give clues as well.

Next, examine the dish for a hint as to the method they used to cook it. If the chicken breast has grill marks on it, then it's obvious that it was grilled. If the chicken is totally white and very moist, it may have been steamed or poached.

If it has a brown, crunchy skin, it was cooked with direct source heat, like sauté or broiling. The attractive caramelization of sugars on the chicken also shows that some fat was added, like being brushed with butter or cooked in oil.

Third, examine the sauce. Is it a thickened sauce or a jus? It's pretty easy to tell when a sauce was made with milk or cream rather than broth or stock, it's white. So, did they use milk and a thickener to create their sauce?

Lastly, taste for seasonings. This can be the most difficult part and takes a trained palate. Try to identify the dominant seasonings in the dish. Do you taste salt and pepper? Is it Italian inspired with basil and oregano? Or maybe it has an Asian feel with ginger and soy sauce. You might also get others opinions as to what they taste. This way, you start to imagine the flavor profile that went into seasoning the dish. Don't over think it. It's usually simpler than you taste.

So, if I dissect my favorite dish at my favorite restaurant, "Chicken and Shallots in a White Wine Sauce", and I see that it's a boneless chicken breast with a brown, crunchy skin and a white sauce that tastes like shallots and butter, with a hint of thyme and sage, I can start re-building the recipe.

It appears to me that the chicken breast was sautéed in oil with a hot pan, then was removed to finish in the oven. Shallots were added to the pan until they were soft, and white wine was used to deglaze the pan. After the wine has mostly evaporated, butter and cream make up the sauce that's seasoned with thyme and sage.

How do I know this? It's because a basic sauté method is the same, regardless of the ingredients used. Once I can identify HOW the item was cooked, the combination of ingredients are easier to estimate.

Just like my friend who enjoys recreating songs with his guitar, it's a lot of fun for me to figure out restaurant recipes. It's a challenge that helps build and strengthen my cooking skills, but it does take up a lot of time and wasted food through bad experiments.

Whether you want to unravel the mystery and recreate restaurant recipes yourself, of just buy a book to give you all the answers, great restaurant meals are a perfect starting point to getting great dinner ideas every night of the week. If you're able to copy what the restaurants do, your kitchen will never be closed at dinner time.

Longhorn Beef Vs Typical Beef - Selecting The Healthy Choice

Feeding toddlers junk food leads to lower IQs and obesity. Conversely, when you feed toddlers lean/healthy foods, it increases their IQs and they tend to be slender. This is according to a U.K. Study published in February '11. Lead researcher Kate Northstone, of the University of Bristol, said a nutritious diet could produce a reasonable difference in IQ scores over time while helping to prevent childhood obesity. Her message is to encourage parents to make healthy food selections as much as they can. It will have a direct impact on a child's future, which is part of a parent's responsibility. Today, everyone reads the labels on the food products and not to determine if it tastes good. More importantly, that is healthy/good for you and contains the nutrients that are important for your body.

We now evaluate our food based on the amount of trans fat, saturated fat, mono-saturated fat as well as cholesterol levels and, of course, calories per serving. In addition, there are many consumers that are interested in the percentages of protein, iron, zinc, phosphorous, niacin, riboflavin including B6, B12 as well as omega 3s and 6s. We all know taste remains a key ingredient. I think it is safe to say that if it doesn't taste good, there will be no repeat purchases. So, taste is extremely important, especially when it comes to kids. We all have memories about being forced to eat foods that just did not taste good to us. Our parents would serve us a plate of food and we couldn't leave the table until we cleaned our plate. I can remember sitting at the table for hours because I did not like the taste of a particular food item and was not about to put it in my mouth at all costs.

One of those food items that most people love to eat is red meat or more commonly called beef. Typical beef products contain high levels of protein as well as high levels of fat. Of course, fat has a negative impact on our health. This is why consumers' diets should include longhorn beef. You get the irreplaceable, unmistakable genuine beef taste most people love without sacrificing anything for better health. Longhorn beef is leaner and healthier than regular beef, leaner and healthier than "the other white meat" (pork), and leaner and healthier than chicken or turkey. Unlike conventional beef, pasture-raised, grass-fed longhorn beef is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3s are prized for their ability to fight inflammation throughout the body, raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar levels. These acids, normally found in fish, can improve heart health, blood pressure and the effects of arthritis.

Longhorn beef is also a good source of selenium, with one serving providing up to 30% of the daily allowance. Under-publicized and unknown to many people, selenium has been associated with better infection-fighting power and reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Most of the population wants to be thin and smart. So include healthy longhorn beef into your meals mom and your kids will thank you one day.

Mediterranean Food - 13 Different Foods to Eat With Olives

The Mediterranean diet is a healthy and tasty way to eat a variety food. Olives is one kind of food which can be eaten many ways with a variety of different foods. There are many ways to eat an olive from right out of the can to the jarred kind with the traditional pimento stuffed inside. Olives are available in different sizes ranging from small to colossal. Black olives and green olives are the most common to be found at grocery stores.
This article will explore some of the foods and how to eat them.
The most popular way to eat olives is right out of the can, Many people will pop one in their mouth while preparing a nice dish, or a family member will steal one when your back is turned.
Here are a few different food combinations for eating stuffed olives.
Jalapeno or Habanero.
Monterey Jack cheese and jalapeno.
Garlic slice, fried almond, chili pepper flake.
Anchovy, garlic, chili pepper flake, anchovy paste will make this very easy to create.
Red Bell pepper, garlic, chili flake.
Blue cheese and garlic.
Almond and pimento.
Sweet Italian sausage, and or bacon, garlic, chili pepper flake.
Basil, garlic, oregano, Habanero.
Seasoned pork or chicken with celery, onion, nutmeg, garlic, tomato, and lemon zest.
Olives are a great way to present a variety of tastes to one plate. Wine and cheese parties usually have an olive plate. Next time you can make a variety of stuffed olives and have little cards telling your friends what is inside them or you can have a little fun and keep the cards to your self and see if your guests can identify all the flavors.
Another suggestion is to have sample wines that pair up with the ingredients stuffed inside your olive.
Another way to eat olives is as a tapenade. Tapenade is a fancy word for puree. You can use green or black olives for your tapenade, black olives will present better as a puree to your guests than a green puree.
The easiest way to make black olive tapenade is to put anchovy, capers, garlic, dijon, thyme, bay leaf, parsley, chili pepper flake, in a food processor. Turn it on and begin to add olive oil. When your mixture is coarsely mixed transfer to a bowl for serving.
Olive tapenade can be served as a dip with a compliment of plain crusty bread, crusty bread with goat cheese, grilled vegetables, chicken or tossed with any hot pasta meal.
Our free new book "The Scratch" will show you the basics of three great meals you can use to start your new family budget. It has great meals you can use to feed a family of four.

Types of Ice Makers - Which One Should You Choose?

Planning to open a restaurant or bar? Then it goes without saying that you understand the importance of providing your customers with the beverages of the very best quality. Wouldn't you like to relax after a long day at work with a cool and refreshing drink at your favorite bar? That is exactly what you must offer your customers so that they keep coming back to your establishment.

That is where ice makers play a crucial role. While serving beverages, you must also have a steady supply of ice at hand because under no circumstances should you run short. Can you imagine serving a margarita or a Long Island Iced Tea without any ice in it? Of course not! The best way to ensure this is to buy ice makers for your establishment immediately from a restaurant supply store.

There are different types of ice makers available in the market, so let us take a brief look:

1. Nugget - This is a slightly different type of ice that you can chew on and it is a huge hit in bars all over the world!
2. Cube - As is evident from the name, this is the basic type of ice used in most restaurants and bars. You can either go for a full-cube or half-cube styles. They are so popular because they have huge production capabilities, i.e. they can produce large amounts at once. You can take your pick between remote condensing and self-contained systems.
3. Flake - This type of machine is more suitable for packing seafood and meat. The ice can also be used for merchandising and display purposes. Unlike cube ice, which forms warm air pockets around the product and causes it to melt, it forms a blanket around the product and fills the area.
4. Under counter - If you want to save space in your restaurant, then this is the one machine that is your best bet as it combines the ice maker and bin in one unit. These come in many specifications and are customized to meet different requirements.

So you can choose the ones that are best suited for your purpose by going through the list given above. Looking to buy ice makers at reasonable rates? Don't worry because many online stores deal with restaurant equipment and if you know where to buy from, then you can strike a good bargain. Just beware that you don't get stranded with inferior quality equipment that is sold in some stores!

Ice Machines - How Important Are They?

A nice and refreshing drink after a long day is extremely relaxing right? So if you are planning to open a restaurant or bar, then you need to provide the same to your customers too. It is extremely important that you make them comfortable and put them at ease so that they can enjoy the drinks while chatting with their friends or colleagues.

That is why you need to have a steady supply of ice at hand while serving any kind of beverage. This becomes all the more important during the summer months when people mostly prefer to have chilled drinks at bars or restaurants. Under no circumstances should you run short of ice at any time when your establishment is open. Buying quality ice machines becomes imperative for any restaurant or bar.

Ice machines need to be purchased after taking into account the specifications of your establishment. For instance, when you plan to open a huge restaurant that can accommodate as many as 50 people, then you will surely require ice machines of a huge capacity that can churn out enormous amounts of ice at once. But if you prefer to keep the seating arrangements to 20 people, then a smaller machine will suffice.

There are ice machines that manufacture different types of ice such as cube, which is the basic one used mostly or the nugget type that is chewable. Flake ice is greatly in demand because it is ideal for packing and merchandising purposes. It completely surrounds the product and creates a vacuum that prevents the ice from melting thus the product is preserved for a longer period of time. Under the counter machines are absolutely great when it comes to saving space as it is a combination of the maker and bin in one unit. They are also portable so it can be placed anywhere in the restaurant as and when needed. Dispensers are ideal for a self-service counter in your establishment.

Want to buy ice machines but don't know where to start? With the Internet on your fingertips, you just don't need to worry as online stores are there in plenty that sell good quality restaurant equipment. Just make sure that you verify the credibility of the dealer before making any type of monetary transaction so that you are 100% sure of making a sound investment that will promise you a good return in the long run.

Guidelines To Choose The Best Water Filter For High Quality Effects

Water is an essential part of life and existence of living things in general. People everywhere are usually concerned about the quality of fluids they drink. That is why it is important to choose the best water filter to guarantee germ free fluids. The quality of tap water can only be assured depending on the type of filtration a person uses.

There are certain safety policies put in place by local authorities which must be met in order to meet the standards required. It is not mandatory to own the equipment which is used to clean the liquid. However, owning it would benefit many people. To ensure that the required standards are met, they are tested for quality and color. Colors may vary from one region to another one, though they might still meet the standards depending on the region.

Most people are usually concerned about the smell, taste and chlorine levels of what they drink. Other things people may want to take into consideration include the amount of heavy metals present. These metals include zinc, lead and aluminum. They are a major problem especially if found in the water because their dissolving state is low. In some areas, this can be a major problem.

Aluminium sulphate is usually added to the water to remove particles. The amount of aluminum sulphate must be controlled. Otherwise it can lead to serious problems. Pipes made from galvanized zinc can sometimes be a health hazard. The pipes usually break down after prolonged use and release zinc into the water. Pipes made from asbestos and plastic have been proven to cause problems.

Since a number of problems can result when the metals are released into water, individuals are encouraged to clean the liquid used through specialized equipment. Many people feel safe using the equipment rather than not using it at all. Clean water is good for people suffering from various diseases such as eczema. Most children develop eczema when the apparatus used is no longer effective. Some companies usually offer free analysis of water for those who request their services.

When selecting which apparatus to use, there are certain things that one must consider. There are various types of equipment out there and selecting the best water filter can be difficult. Most of the apparatus use carbon to eliminate particles, pesticides and hormones in the liquid. There are those that are made from granular carbon. These granules are put in a sack similar to a tea bag. The liquid is then run through the bag.

Granular carbon is not the most efficient apparatus to use. The good thing is that it contains resin which is effective in removing calcium carbonate elements from the water. This element is common in areas where the water is known to be hard. What remains on top of the container is scum. The best tools to use are carbon blocks. Carbon powder is compressed into a solid block and it removes even the smallest particles when the water runs through it.

Carbon block is the best water filter out there for liquids used in homes. It is the most effective in removing all organic solvents, nitrates, hormones and heavy metals, leaving the liquid clean and safe for drinking.

Quick Easy Appetizers Can Be Made In Moments

There are times when company drops by unexpectedly and you need some quick easy appetizers to make. While you can sit there are pour a few crackers and chunks of cheese on a plate, you do have other options. In fact, you might not know it but there are some delicious items that can be made in a few moments.

Most people have plenty of prepared items in their cupboards that are going to be fairly easy to use. For example, you can take a can of beans, a jar of salsa, and a little cheese then make some burritos for your guests. They will not take too long and you can heat them up in moments using your microwave.

When you are making quick easy appetizers, you will want to be sure that you are focusing on the quality of the food at the same time. While you can open a can of tuna and spread a quick tuna salad on crackers, if you use low quality items, your guests will notice that. This can lead to an unpleasant taste in their mouths. In this case, albacore tuna in water and high quality mayo on a thick cracker would make for a better choice than some of the other choices you have.

As you go through this process, be sure that you take note of what your guests typically enjoy as well. If you make a particular item that is not going over well, consider removing it from you future events or cutting back on the amount you make. While some items will be occasionally overlooked, others will not appeal to your guests. Knowing your guests is perhaps the first way you will be able to host a successful event with your guests.

Something to keep in mind is that there are going to be people out there that will have dietary restrictions. This means you will need to ensure you have a selection of items that are shellfish, nut, and gluten free for them to enjoy. Consider what items you could make and ensure there is plenty to go around for others who might find the appeal in this dish as well.

There are going to be plenty of options out there for you to enjoy. Just be sure you take your time to go over some of the different quick easy appetizers that are available. In no time, you will end up with a series of dishes that your guests are going to love. Keep in mind that just because you did not spend a long time making a particular dish, does not mean that it isn't going to be delicious. In most cases, you will find that some of the best appetizers are the ones that do not take too long to make and that is something to be excited about.

Finding The Right Appetizer Recipes Online

There is little doubt that you will at some point need to have some delicious appetizer recipes to serve your guests. But while you might find that there are a number of options online, the process of getting the right ones can be a difficult task. While there are plenty of online recipes that can be considered delicious, there are others where you question if the person has actually ever seen a cookbook.

A good place to start the process of getting the right appetizer recipes will be to look what other users are saying about a particular recipe. Generally, there are comment sections and rating tools that will give the individuals who make a recipe the chance to report on how the recipes worked for them. What you will want to focus on is taste, texture and other elements that people have commented on. There are usually individuals who will add input on adjusting the recipe to improve the taste, so keep those comments in mind as well when you are making a particular item. That can help you to improve the dish that you are making.

Another thing to look for is the amount of ingredients inside of a particular dish. If you have cooked before, you will be able to pick up on strange items in the recipes that people submit. For example, if there is a recipe for cookies that calls for 1/4 cup of salt in a two dozen batch of cookies, you will probably not like the recipe. Understanding these basics will help you to avoid making a recipe that has a strange flavor, especially in cases where you are pressed for time and there are no reviews to go on. Of course, the best choice will be to choose from highly rates recipes when possible.

Whenever possible, you will want to try to get appetizer recipes from websites that are devoted to this particular subject matter. Normally, broad spectrum websites tend to have more filler in them than what you are looking for and they will require you to spend more time looking for recipes to use. A simple web search will give you some great places to go so you can end up making appetizers that your guests remember for a long time.

Be open to experimenting as well. You may find a recipe that sounds good, but you want to add something new to the dish. By taking your time to go over these options, you will be able to create appetizer recipes that have a unique flavor and will leave you with new directions you can take the different foods you make. Remember, there are a number of ways you can make any item, so be open to adding an original touch to all the recipes that you are making.

Combine Premade Items for a Quick Appetizer

Too many of us have little time to sit down and actually prepare a large number of party food appetizers for an event that we are hosting. That does not mean you need to turn to catering, there are some different things you can do that will give you a quick fix, without having to invest too much money into the process. It is as simple as mixing together items that are already prepared.

For example, if you want a quick and easy dip, you would simply need to take some processed cheese and chili and quickly heat them up and serve the dip hot. The goal here is being able to get some party food appetizers on the table and get back to mingling with the guests. There is no need to spend more than a few minutes creating any of these delicious items either.

Another great appetizer that is really easy to make is meatballs. Toss them in a Crockpot with a little chili sauce and grape jelly and let it simmer over the course of a few hours. When it is time to feed your guests, simply throw a toothpick in them and serve them hot.

Of course, you will always be able to do the quick and cracker and cheese platters if you find that you are pressed for time at any point. What you will want to be sure of is that these items are arranged in a manner where neither the crackers of the cheese pick up the flavors of the other items.

Do not feel bad about taking the premade route for your appetizers either. Since you are pressed for time, locating recipes for party food appetizers that allow you to make these quick dishes is a great way to save time, yet win over the defined tastes of your friends. In fact, there is a good chance that most people you share your food with will have no idea that you combined these items.

Keep in mind that there are some things you can do to help cover up the fact that you use premade items if you want to put a little effort into the process. For example, you can garnish the dish with fresh parsley or other herbs and it will give them the look and feeling that you made them fresh for your guests.

No matter what dishes you make, just be sure that you put some effort into them. Even when you are combining ingredients quickly, taste will still be a factor. Take small samples and adjust the dish until it tastes remarkable and impresses your guests. The process is simple and will result in some amazing dishes being created and your guests will always thank you for the quality.